Protecting God's Children
Our St. Agatha Parish and Polish School adhere to the Safe Environment policies of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
To report incidents of suspected child abuse please contact:
Missouri Department of Social Services
Children's Division Child Abuse & Neglect
Hotline Number:
tel. 1-800-392-3738
For additional information related to reporting incidents of suspected abuse please refer to the
Archdiocese's policy, procedures, and guidelines on child abuse and neglect reports
or contact the Office of Child and Youth Protection at 314-792-7704
In accord with the Safe Environment policies of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, our parish participates in the Protecting God's Children program. This program is designed to help protect the youth, elderly, and vulnerable adults of our parish as they participate in activities within our community. This process also provides a layer of protection against the possibility of false accusations for those adults, who are involved in our many ministries that serve youth and/or vulnerable adults. Participation in ministries and activities involving youth, the elderly and other vulnerable persons include, but are not limited to, tutors, classroom volunteers, teachers, coaches, scout leaders, youth group leaders and chaperones, drivers for the elderly or shut-ins, visitors and communion call ministers for the sick and elderly confined to hospitals, nursing homes, or the homebound, and the alike.
Anyone who seeks employment at our parish, or who wants to volunteer in a ministry or activity in which they will work with minor children, the elderly, or otherwise vulnerable persons must participate in the Protecting God's Children workshop. To register for a workshop, please consult the Protecting God's Children Workshop Schedule.
Applicants and prospective volunteers must also fill out a Missouri Worker's Registration form.
If the applicant or prospective volunteer has lived outside the State of Missouri within the last five years, he or she also needs to fill out an American Checked Release Form. To review your rights regarding the submission of this form, please see the Summary of Rights statement.
An adult applicant or prospective volunteer who wishes to work with minor children must also sign a Commitment to Ethical Conduct.
All completed documentation is to be submitted to the parish office. If there are any questions about the process, please call the Parish Office.
Youth volunteers, those under 18 who wish to work with younger children, the elderly, or otherwise vulnerable persons are also required to review, sign and submit a commitment to an Ethical Code of Conduct for Youth. In most cases it is the responsibility of the adult youth leader/supervisor to review this code of conduct with young volunteers and to submit the signed forms to the parish office.
For more information about the expected ethical conduct of employees and volunteers working with minor children, the elderly and other vulnerable persons, please see the Code of Ethical Conduct published by the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
For help with online registration for a Protecting God's Children workship, please see How to Register.
Adres: 3239 South 9th Street; St. Louis, MO 63118 / Dyrektor szkoly - Agnieszka Lass-Napiorkowska / tel. 314-772-1603 / E-mail